Monday, 21 November 2011

Announcing the 41st Annual Klondike Derby

Scouts  - Saturday March 3rd , 2012
Cubs    - Sunday March 4th , 2012
Camp Amisk

Klondike Derby is the ideal winter event for Scouts and Cubs.  It’s an event that tests Teamwork and Scouting skills .

  • Teams should consist of eight (8) members. 
  • Each team must carry a mandatory equipment (both Cubs and Scouts are required to use a Klondike Sled)
  • Teams follow a map through the woods to 10 "towns" in  Camp Amisk.
  • At each "town” the team is assigned a task that tests Scouting and/or Teamwork skills (i.e. log sawing, lashing, estimating, fire lighting)
  • “Gold Nuggets" are awarded based on how well the task is performed.
Leaders are responsible for the ensuring that youth are prepared, properly clothed and supervised. All youth must be properly dressed for the weather. Should a youth arrive and it is determined that they are not properly dressed, the team will not be allowed to participate.

The fee is $40.00 per team.  Entry Deadline is February 24th  , 2012

Monday, 15 August 2011

What is the Klondike Derby?

As noted in a Winnipeg Free Press article in March 2006,  the Klondike Derby is Survivor, The Amazing Race and Fear Factor all rolled into one (with a few outdoor skills and teamwork thrown in).

The Klondike Derby is a contest requiring teams of 6 to 8 Cubs/Guides  and Scouts/Pathfinders  to pull a Klondike- type sleigh over a course of approximately 2.5 km through the woods in Camp Amisk.

The team visits ten Klondike "towns" where the "town mayor" assigns the team a particular task or activity.  "Nuggets" and points are awarded to the team based on how well it performs the task, the speed and the teamwork.

The instructions for the tasks are written based on the Klondike gold rush theme and include: snowshoeing, fire lighting, and other exciting activities.